Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Specialist

Brad Carofino, MD
Shoulder and Hand Surgeon located in Chesapeake, VA & Virginia Beach, VA
If you are suffering from shoulder pain from shoulder arthritis or a massive rotator cuff tear, you may be a candidate for reverse shoulder replacement arthroplasty. Dr. Brad Carofino is a fellowship-trained and board-certified shoulder surgeon using the latest techniques to treat a number of shoulder conditions. Dr. Carofino sees patients in Virginia Beach and Chesapeake, Virginia, and he is the region’s expert in shoulder replacement surgery. He may recommend reverse shoulder replacement therapy when other treatments have failed to provide you with pain relief. Schedule a consultation online or by phone to learn more about the benefits of reverse shoulder replacement surgery.
Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Q & A
What is reverse shoulder replacement?
In a reverse shoulder replacement surgery, Dr. Carofino replaces a metal ball where the shoulder socket was and places plastic socket where the ball of the shoulder previously was, effectively reversing the ball and socket of the shoulder.
This type of surgery was initially introduced in France as the last resort for patients who had severe arthritis and very large rotator cuff tears. Over the past 20 years, the reverse replacement has increased in use and has demonstrated good results for very difficult problems.
Am I a good candidate for reverse shoulder replacement surgery?
Dr. Carofino reviews your medical records and your list of symptoms to determine if this kind of surgery is right for you. He may also run additional tests to ensure you are healthy enough to undergo anesthesia during the procedure.
You may be a good candidate for this type of surgery if you have:
- An irreparable rotator cuff tear
- Complex fractures of your shoulder joint
- A previously failed shoulder replacement
- Combined shoulder arthritis and rotator cuff tear
What results can I expect from a reverse shoulder replacement?
You should expect to experience decreased pain and improved function after a reverse shoulder replacement. A reverse replacement doesn’t restore full and normal shoulder motion but generally can improve motion so that you can perform all of your necessary activities.
Because a reverse shoulder replacement is often a last-resort surgery, it is important that you continue to follow Dr. Carofino’s guidelines and limitations.
What limitations do I have after reverse shoulder replacement surgery?
Once the surgical site heals completely, Dr. Carofino may refer you to physical therapy to help you regain strength and control over your shoulder movements. Regular stretching exercises also can help to improve your mobility and range of motion.
Dr. Carofino may limit certain activities temporarily following surgery or may recommend you permanently stop certain activities. You must avoid repetitively lifting any weight greater than 40 pounds.
To learn more about reverse shoulder replacement surgery options, schedule an evaluation online or by calling the office.
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